Bitcoin Fintechzoom

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To get started, the current Bitcoin price is $60264.83

Bitcoin Fintechzoom

1 Bitcoin = $60264.83
Value shows: -0.74% change within the last 15 minutes (previously $60715.44) and -0.80% change within the last hour ($60751.37). Or -1.94% six hours ago $61454.86

*This every-5-minute updated price reflects an average calculated across leading cryptocurrency exchanges. For precise, real-time pricing essential for active Bitcoin trading, we highly recommend the free live-price tool on

The data below makes it easy to spot (Bitcoin to USD) uptrends or downtrends, providing an overview of dozens of rates within the last 24 hours.

Bitcoin Price

    Live-Price: $60264.83 Current rate vs
    5 Minutes Ago: $60264.63 0.00%
  10 Minutes Ago: $60688.87 -0.70%
  15 Minutes Ago: $60715.44 -0.74%
  20 Minutes Ago: $60715.83 -0.74%
  25 Minutes Ago: $60706.12 -0.73%
  30 Minutes Ago: $60666.55 -0.66%
  40 Minutes Ago: $60731.13 -0.77%
  45 Minutes Ago: $60724.85 -0.76%
  50 Minutes Ago: $60875.21 -1.00%
  55 Minutes Ago $60790.31 -0.86%
  60 Minutes Ago: $60751.37 -0.80%
  65 Minutes Ago: $60731.86 -0.77%
  70 Minutes Ago: $60776.37 -0.84%
  75 Minutes Ago: $60716.98 -0.74%
  80 Minutes Ago: $60848.99 -0.96%
  80 Minutes Ago: $60981.98 -1.18%
  90 Minutes Ago: $60891.67 -1.03%
  95 Minutes Ago: $60855.22 -0.97%
100 Minutes Ago: $60873.91 -1.00%
105 Minutes Ago: $60921.96 -1.08%
110 Minutes Ago: $60853.00 -0.97%
115 Minutes Ago: $60778.88 -0.85%
120 Minutes Ago: $60777.51 -0.84%
125 Minutes Ago: $60842.87 -0.95%
130 Minutes Ago: $60938.27 -1.11%

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